

狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)


狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)


狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)



狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)


狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)



狄安娜是什么神 狄安娜的爱情故事(处女神无爱情)




  She looks beautiful. The shape of her body and lithe and graceful, two legs are long, slender waist branch; Her skin smooth, TongShen shining moon holy light; Her eyebrows are embedded a shining moon, tilting the 30 °; Her brown curly hair hung to waist, wind blows; Her eyes like the moon as clear and clever, color is the deep and dark blue; Her eyelash dense; Her lips small red tender, the corners of the mouth with a brother of the grave and Apollo inherited majesty. She looks represents the moon all noble beautiful.


  She wore a and her slender figure proportional to the silver color clothes, the clothes gold glints shimmering window; Her head wear colourful wreath, the symbol of the green; Since she left shoulder to his right arm, wore a green shawl, represents the nature; In her right arm ring a silver-shiny moon symbol, it is to cooperate with her brother Apollo on his left arm glittering symbol the sun; Her left hand was wearing a ruby ring, is said to be dyed by the blood drops, engraved with hunting sign; Finally, her right hand with bows and arrows left hand, her bow and arrow glaring shining silver light, Apollo also have a bow and arrow, shining gold. Diana costume atmosphere elegant, showing the moon and the majesty of the goddess of hunting.

  希腊神话中,海神波赛冬有个儿子名叫奥利温。奥利温生来就像他的父亲一样,长得魁梧强壮。可他并不喜欢生活在海里,而总是来到山野间,攀岩、捕猎。不过,他毕竟是海神的儿子,所以即使是在海面上也能行走如飞。   整日陪伴他的是一条名叫西立乌斯的猎犬,它和主人一样勇猛,打猎时总是冲在最前面,遇到猛兽也总是挡在奥利温身前。   日子久了,奥利温经常在打猎时碰到月神也是狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。两人很快就被对方的高雅潇洒和出神入化的猎技深深吸引住了,后来,他们经常一起在山间漫步,登绝壁,攀险峰,无话不谈。   这一切,却使太阳神阿波罗很生气。他知道阿尔忒弥斯是个性格倔强的女孩,劝说根本不会打动她。阿波罗一狠心,想出了一条毒计。   一天,奥利温像往常一样,在海面上“飞行”,准备上岸去捕猎。他的全身都浸在水里,只有头部露出水面。   阿波罗和阿尔忒弥斯“正巧”从海面上飞过。   “妹妹,人们都说你有百步穿杨的功夫,今天咱们来比试比试怎么样?”   阿尔忒弥斯自认为天下只有奥利温的箭术可以和她相比,她哪把哥哥放在眼里呀!   “好吧,你说射什么?”   “你看,那个小黑点,是一块礁石,就射它吧。”阿波罗知道妹妹的眼力不如自己,根本看不出那个黑点是什么。   “没问题!”话音未落,只听嗖的一声,一支利箭不偏不斜,正中那个小黑点。   “妹妹你真是名不虚传,哥哥我再也不敢跟你比了。”说完,阿波罗悄悄地走了。   阿尔忒弥斯心里十分得意,她降落到海上,想看看被射中的目标。可她看到的却是头部中箭的奥赖温,静静地躺在水面上,来不及和他的心上人说一句话,就已经气绝身亡了。   最心爱的人竟然死在自己的箭下,阿尔忒弥斯一下昏倒了。西立乌斯听到主人惨死的消息,悲痛得整夜哀号。别人喂的食它连看也不看,没几天便随奥利温而去了。   这幕惨剧使宙斯也唏嘘不已。他收殓了奥利温的尸首,把他升到天上化作猎户座。生前不能常相守,死后,他总算和自己的心上人――月神阿尔忒弥斯永远在一起了。西立乌斯也以自己的忠诚赢得了宙斯的同情,被提升到天界,继续陪伴在主人身旁,这就是大犬座。为了不使西立乌斯寂寞,宙斯还特意给它找了个伙伴――小犬座。宙斯知道奥利温生前最喜欢打猎,就在他身边放了一只小小的猎物――天兔座。   这是天蝎座的另一个版本,也就是奥林匹斯星传中播的版本:希腊神话中,海神波塞冬有个儿子名叫奥赖温。奥赖温生来就像他的父亲一样,长得魁梧强壮。可他并不喜欢生活在海里,而总是来到山野间,攀岩、捕猎。不过,他毕竟是海神的儿子,所以即使是在海面上也能行走如飞。   整日陪伴他的是一条名叫西立乌斯的猎犬,它和主人一样勇猛,打猎时总是冲在最前面,遇到猛兽也总是挡在奥赖温身前。   日子久了,奥赖温经常在打猎时碰到月神也是狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。两人很快就被对方的高雅潇洒和出神入化的猎技深深吸引住了,后来,他们经常一起在山间漫步,登绝壁,攀险峰,无话不谈。   这一切,却使太阳神阿波罗很生气,他怕妹妹阿尔忒弥斯象自己和达芙涅一样。他知道阿尔忒弥斯是个性格倔强的女孩,劝说根本不会打动她。阿波罗一狠心,想出了一条毒计。   一天,狄安娜和奥利温去海边玩耍,奥利温向狄安娜求婚,狄安娜答应了,可是阿波罗放的毒蝎和奥利温在水中大战,阿波罗让狄安娜用箭射死毒蝎,不要射到奥利温,这样就让他们俩结婚,如果射到了奥利温那就......狄安娜十分有信心,真的射到了毒蝎,但是奥利温却被毒蝎的毒毒死了。
  She love.

  Greek mythology, Poseidon had a son named ollie temperature. Ollie temperature was born, like his father grow big and strong. But he does not like to live in the sea, and always come to between mountains, rock climbing, hunt. However, after all he is the son of Poseidon, so even in the sea can also walk such as fly. All day he is a company called made uz hunting, it is as brave and master, hunting and always rushed in front, meets the beast is always stand in the front ollie temperature. Time for a long time, the temperature in the hunting orlistat often met month god is also a hunting goddess, te. Two people was soon each other's elegant and natural and unrestrained and the superb skill deeply atlracted, later, they often together walk in the hills, ascend a precipice, climbing perilous peak, no words don't talk. All of this, but the sun god Apollo is very angry. He know te character, is a stubborn girl, persuade don't impress her. Apollo a cruel, came up with a deadly trap. One day, ollie temperature as usual, on the sea "flight", ready to went ashore to hunt. His whole body lie in the water, only head out of the water. Apollo and te "happen", from flew over the sea. "Younger sister, people say you have BaiBuChuanYang kung fu, today let's have a race?" Te since the world, think only ollie wen archery can and she compared her brother in which the eyes! "Well, you said shoot???????" "You see, the little black dots, is a piece of the rocks, and shoot it." Apollo know sister eyes aren't oneself, can't see out the black spots for what it is. "No problem!" Voice did not lie, listen to zoom of 1, a sharp arrow drilled inclined, the little black dots on the center of the. "The younger sister is really worthy of its reputation, brother I dare not tell you more than the." Say that finish, Apollo quietly come....... Te was very proud, heart, she landed in the sea, and want to see was shot in the goal. But she see that it is in the head of Mr LaiWen arrows, lay quietly on the surface, and too late and his sweetheart say the word, and it has a herring. Most beloved people had died in his own arrow, te a, passed out. West made uz heard the news of the master die a tragic death, sorrow to cry all night. Others even look at it in a food also don't see, not a few days, with ollie went to the temperature. This screen tragedy that Zeus silently also unceasingly. He gathered the dead bodies of orlistat temperature, and he ascend to heaven into Orion. Was not often defend, died, and he succeeded and her lover-month te god, together forever. West made uz also with their loyalty to win the sympathy of Zeus, and was promoted to the heavenly planets, continue to accompany in master side, this is a big dog. In order not to make west made uz lonely, Zeus also specially to it to find a partner, a small dog. Zeus know ollie temperature loved hunting, was beside him put a small prey-day rabbit seats. This is another version of Scorpio, also is the Olympus cross sowing version of star: Greek mythology, Poseidon had a son named Mr LaiWen. Mr LaiWen was born, like his father grow big and strong. But he does not like to live in the sea, and always come to between mountains, rock climbing, hunt. However, after all he is the son of Poseidon, so even in the sea can also walk such as fly. All day he is a company called made uz hunting, it is as brave and master, hunting and always rushed in front, meets the beast is always stand in front LaiWen Obama. Time for a long time, Mr LaiWen often met in hunting on god is also a hunting goddess, te. Two people was soon each other's elegant and natural and unrestrained and the superb skill deeply atlracted, later, they often together walk in the hills, ascend a precipice, climbing perilous peak, no words don't talk. All of this, but the sun god Apollo was very angry, and his sister, afraid of te like yourself and DaFu nie. He know te character, is a stubborn girl, persuade don't impress her. Apollo a cruel, came up with a deadly trap. One day, she and ollie temperature to the beach, ollie wen proposed to Diana, she agreed to, but the Apollo put poison scorpion and ollie temperature in the water wars, Apollo let she shot to death with poison scorpion, don't shoot to ollie temperature, so let both of them get married, if shoot to ollie temperature that...... She is very confident, really shot to poison scorpion, but ollie temperature was poison poison with poison of scorpion.



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